Tips to Help Highly Sensitive Persons Enjoy Travel

Highly sensitive persons find travel overwhelming. This makes their travel experiences less enjoyable. However, it’s possible to make travel enjoyable even when you have a highly sensitive personality. Here are tips to help highly sensitive persons enjoy travel.

Resist Pressure

When a highly sensitive person travels, it might feel like they have a long list of things to do. There could be many places to go, things to see, and experiences to enjoy. If a highly sensitive person has a limited time for all this, travel can feel overwhelming. Too many things to do will only leave you crabby, tired, and feeling awful. To avoid this, resist the pressure to do all things in your list. Remind yourself that you can’t do everything during a single trip. Therefore, travel and explore at a pace you are comfortable with.

Come up with a Routine

Travel can be disruptive. It can shake up your schedule at work, your budget and home life. But, most importantly, travel can shake up your sense of expectation from each day. Therefore, even if many people find travel enjoyable, highly sensitive individuals find it stressful and hard to deal with.

To make travel enjoyable, highly sensitive persons should come up with a routine. For instance, they should schedule things to do every day of the week to ensure that they are always busy. You may tweak your itinerary a little to suit your needs but set a rhythm to create less chaos and familiarity.

Have a Buffer Day

This is a day that you spend at home. Take this time to do nothing after the trip. A buffer day allows you to recover. But, you can do light activities on this day such as unpacking and getting R&R. Alternatively, you can spend the day with kids or planning out the work week. The most important thing is to spend this day away from your normal life.

Generally, travel is different for highly sensitive persons from other individuals. Normal people can go on life-changing, magical trips. However, the magical trips version for highly sensitive persons is different from what others consider magical. It may also require a lot of downtime. This may not match the ideal vacation idea for other people. Nevertheless, following these tips makes a trip actually relaxing for highly sensitive persons.

Why France is a Popular Travel Destination

The United Nations World Tourism Organization reported that France received 83.7 million visitors in 2014. Only the U.S surpassed the 70 million mark in the same year with 74.8 million visitors. Britain came at the eighth position receiving 32.6 million visitors. Viewed from a different perspective, this means that France received 8% of the global tourists. But, why is France such a popular travel destination? Well, here are some of the reasons why many people travel to France.


For years, Paris has been considered the most romantic travel destination world-over. This perception was reinforced by movies like the Amelie. Therefore, many people go on romantic trips to Paris more often.

Great Weather

France has a mild climate during spring and autumn. Summers are warm and lovely. This enables France to attract many sun-seekers each year.

Great Heritage Sites

Although France lags behind some travel destinations in terms of UNESCO World Heritage Sites, it has great quality heritage sites. Actually, it’s the raw appeal of the sites that counts. Sites like Mont St Michel and Loire Chateaux are irresistible to most travelers. These have attracted thousands of travelers every year.  

Fine Dining

France is the first country with a gastronomy that is recognized by UNESCO as the “intangible cultural heritage”. This has reinforced the imperious reputation of the French Cuisine. Essentially, many people know France for its amazing culinary heritage.

Fine Wine

French makes some of the best wine in the world. Many people go on trips to this country to taste fine wine while having a great time.

Sheer Diversity

This country offers three different coastlines. These are the western, Mediterranean, and channel. It also has different mountains including Jura, Pyrenees, and Alps. France diversity is also seen in its food, beer, and wine varieties as well as different climates.

These are just some of the reasons why France is a popular travel destination. But, to find out why many people travel to France every year, it may be wise to go there yourself.

Physically Challenged? Six Golden Travelling rules

Are you living with a disability? Let this not hinder you from travelling anywhere your heart desires. Whether you want to travel for leisure or for medical purposes, proper planning can make your trip enjoyable and fulfilling. Many travel agencies nowadays are keen to people with special needs. Almost all leading hotels and restaurants have facilities to aid mobility of people who are physically challenged. After all, the American with Disability Act stipulates that you have equal rights like everyone else. To make your journey enjoyable and memorable, you need these eight basic rules.

1. Make Calls Days Before you Leave

Although the law stipulates that all public facilities must be conducive to persons living with disabilities, you still need to call and confirm if what they offer is satisfying for you. The last-minute call on the day of the visit may ruin your plans after you realize that your personal needs cannot be met.

2. Always be Clear on Your Special Needs

Many people like to generalize the term “person living with a disability.” The truth is that every person is unique and has his/her own individual needs. You, therefore, need to call the traveling agent and clearly state your disability and how you would like them to handle you so that your journey will be as comfortable as possible. Remember that you have a right to enjoy your travel like any other person.

3. Visit Your Doctor Before Leaving

If your disability can be made worse by a long journey, you should visit your doctor first. Try and explain to the doctor where you are going, the duration of the journey and the mode of transport you will use. Your doctor may prescribe some medicine to make you comfortable, or he may advise you to buy extra travelling aids. If he is of the opinion that you should not travel, please do not.

4. Always Travel with Your Doctor’s Card

Anything can happen on the way. You should prepare for any eventuality especially when you are away from your family members.  A simple card with contacts of your doctor can save your life. Also, let your travelling companion know your condition and how you should be managed.

5.  Carry Extra Medication

If you are on medication for any ailment, do not carry drugs that are enough for the days you have planned to be away only. Something can happen along the way, and you find yourself stranded without medicine.

6. Use Specialist Travel Agents

If your journey is long or your condition is becoming worse, do not hire travel agents who are not specialized. You should seek the services of agents who are used to people with a state like yours.


For disability not to be an inability as far as travelling is concerned, you have to plan your trip early. Your safety and health are of optimum importance. The above tips will help you to get where you want without many problems.