Things Not Covered by Travel Insurance

Once you have bought travel insurance, you can assume that it covers all aspects of travel. However, this is mostly not the case. As such, Sasha a blogger from Southwest Appliance Repair says on a recent post that many travelers are frustrated on realizing that not everything is covered by their travel insurance. So, before you buy travel insurance, find out what the policy covers. If necessary, buy special add-ons to ensure that exclusions are covered. Here are some of the things that are not covered by travel insurance.

Losses from Pre-Existing Conditions

Most travel insurance policies do not extend to pre-existing health conditions. Pre-existing definition depends on timing of the day the condition was diagnosed and when travel insurance was purchased. But, travel insurance coverage does not include losses that occur as a result of a condition for which you had treatment or symptoms during your look-back period.

Dental Care

Travel insurance does not cover regular dental care. However, it may cover dental trauma under certain circumstances. For instance, travel insurance may cover damage to natural teeth that are sound.

Losses Occasioned by Emotional or Mental Disorders

Claims that involve emotional or psychiatric disorders like depression, bipolar disorder, or schizophrenia are not covered by most insurance policies for travelers. Only on rare cases does travel insurance cover these conditions especially when hospitalization becomes necessary.

Medical Procedures Travel

Most travel insurance covers do not cater for issues that may arise for individuals traveling to undergo medical treatment. For instance, your travel insurance won’t cover overseas travel when going for a medical procedure that is too expensive or unavailable at home.

Childbirth and Pregnancy

If you give birth or you travel when pregnant, your insurance won’t cover child birth expenses and pregnancy-related expenses. However, you can have the associated complications covered by your travel insurance. But, it’s important to check with your insurer carefully to know what exactly is covered and take appropriate measures.

Other things that are not covered by travel insurance include natural disasters if they start before purchasing the insurance, risky sports and activities, medical evacuation, and some personal, favorite stuff. To be on the safe side, find out what exactly is covered by your travel insurance and buy special add-ons if necessary.

Tips to Help Highly Sensitive Persons Enjoy Travel

Highly sensitive persons find travel overwhelming. This makes their travel experiences less enjoyable. However, it’s possible to make travel enjoyable even when you have a highly sensitive personality. Here are tips to help highly sensitive persons enjoy travel.

Resist Pressure

When a highly sensitive person travels, it might feel like they have a long list of things to do. There could be many places to go, things to see, and experiences to enjoy. If a highly sensitive person has a limited time for all this, travel can feel overwhelming. Too many things to do will only leave you crabby, tired, and feeling awful. To avoid this, resist the pressure to do all things in your list. Remind yourself that you can’t do everything during a single trip. Therefore, travel and explore at a pace you are comfortable with.

Come up with a Routine

Travel can be disruptive. It can shake up your schedule at work, your budget and home life. But, most importantly, travel can shake up your sense of expectation from each day. Therefore, even if many people find travel enjoyable, highly sensitive individuals find it stressful and hard to deal with.

To make travel enjoyable, highly sensitive persons should come up with a routine. For instance, they should schedule things to do every day of the week to ensure that they are always busy. You may tweak your itinerary a little to suit your needs but set a rhythm to create less chaos and familiarity.

Have a Buffer Day

This is a day that you spend at home. Take this time to do nothing after the trip. A buffer day allows you to recover. But, you can do light activities on this day such as unpacking and getting R&R. Alternatively, you can spend the day with kids or planning out the work week. The most important thing is to spend this day away from your normal life.

Generally, travel is different for highly sensitive persons from other individuals. Normal people can go on life-changing, magical trips. However, the magical trips version for highly sensitive persons is different from what others consider magical. It may also require a lot of downtime. This may not match the ideal vacation idea for other people. Nevertheless, following these tips makes a trip actually relaxing for highly sensitive persons.